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  • There are multiple opportunities to serve.

  • You may register for more than one volunteer time slot.

  • Please scroll down to read volunteer position descriptions.

  • Sign up for one shift and you will get a FREE T-shirt!



For Adult Race


Lap Counter: When your lane is open, wave to the Pool Coordinator to signal for the next racer. Swimmer will tell you when they are ready. No warm-up laps will be allowed.


Individual Timer:  Swimmer will have their name and bib number on count card. Once the swimmer is ready, raise your hand to signal to Timer Coordinator. Tell the racer's number to the Timer Coordinator. Once the timer begins, you will watch the start/stop watch and write down each lap time from the stop watch on the count card. Once on their final lap, place sign into the water as they approach the end of the lane. When they have completed their final lap STOP racer and stop watch. You will help racer out of the pool and cheer them on. Make sure to write their final time on the bottom of their count card and wave next the racer to your lane


Door Director/Run Guard: Direct racers getting out of the pool to the exit door. Once exited and on the carpet, make sure all spectators are not blocking racers path on the carpet runway.






Mounting Bike Area:  As the biker prepares to leave, you will need to remind the racer to mount their bike only when they have crossed the "Mount Bike" line. You will also need to check for helmets. Racers are not allowed to leave the transition area without a helmet.


Dismounting Bike Area:  As the biker approaches, you will need to remind the racer to dismount their bike at the "Dismount Bike" line and to walk into the transition area.


Bike Transition Area: Some racers may need help finding their bike after the swim. You will use their bib number to help them find their way. Racers transitioning from bike to run will need to be guided from their bikes to the running leg of the race.






Volunteer Flagger: You will be wearing an orange vest and be equipped with a flag.

DO NOT STOP TRAFFIC. As the racer approaches your roadway, check for oncoming traffic. If traffic approaches, STOP THE BIKER/RUNNER. Be aware of participants and automobiles. Don't forget to cheer on the racers!


Water Table Station: As racer approaches the water station, ask loudly if they would like PowerAid or water. Be aware some people have allergies to PowerAid and make sure they get water if water is requested. Fill cups and encourage the racers.


Finish Line (Medals/Racer food): Hand out medals as the racers cross the finish line. You will cut up food and fill cups with drinks.                                         




We also need many volunteers for the Kids' Race. 


Pool:  Lap Counting & Directing Kids where to enter and exit


Bike: Directing Kids where to enter and exit OR Traffic Control/Flagging


Run:  Directing Kids where to enter and exit OR Traffic Control/Flagging


Finish Line: Medals/Food Tables





The Why Not Tri is presented by Redline Fitness & Individual Training
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